Toss that Salad!!
Here I am! Yes, very sad that I haven't been thinking anything for a few days huh?
Might be the blondeness...
Tossing Salad... I am starting to get a little worried about the things I have been thinking.
Anyhoo, tossing salad is another choice subject amongst the crowd.
I have heard you should be careful with the things you talk about while being drunk, they just may turn into action. Next day regrettable action I might add. A few years later OMG what was I thinking I can't believe I did that regrettable action. OMG Psycho Bitch why did you have to talk about it and get me to do it regrettable action. (Not that I would know first hand... I have "heard".)
I have to say I have met some interesting people in my short time here on planet earth. I am very worried about getting older, not because of aging... But because of the people I may cross paths with! Many different requests, or fantasies, or just plain ol' wierdo's!
Tossing Salad *aka* licking ass... Not so much an odd request anymore.
Though I have never had anyone request it, nor have I... But many people do it and like it.
WHY??????? Where in the hell did these things come from!?!
Who decided one day they wanted to get their ass ate when that's where what we eat leaves!?!
And further more, if this is so exceptable to do and talk about now... where will we be and what will we be doing 10-20 years from now??? (Besides Ron, he'll be in the Nursing Home... Toss My Salad Elderly Community- Over 100 Years of Satisfying Service)
Just wondering...
Point is... People do it, receive it, like it, regret it, talk about it, etc.
So in Celebration of those who do it, receive it, like it, regret it and talk about it...
I present you with my #1 top choice website:
If you don't know how to, or would like tips on being better... Please, see link above!
Nite nite... Keep ya booty hole tite! ;)
Might be the blondeness...
Tossing Salad... I am starting to get a little worried about the things I have been thinking.
Anyhoo, tossing salad is another choice subject amongst the crowd.
I have heard you should be careful with the things you talk about while being drunk, they just may turn into action. Next day regrettable action I might add. A few years later OMG what was I thinking I can't believe I did that regrettable action. OMG Psycho Bitch why did you have to talk about it and get me to do it regrettable action. (Not that I would know first hand... I have "heard".)
I have to say I have met some interesting people in my short time here on planet earth. I am very worried about getting older, not because of aging... But because of the people I may cross paths with! Many different requests, or fantasies, or just plain ol' wierdo's!
Tossing Salad *aka* licking ass... Not so much an odd request anymore.
Though I have never had anyone request it, nor have I... But many people do it and like it.
WHY??????? Where in the hell did these things come from!?!
Who decided one day they wanted to get their ass ate when that's where what we eat leaves!?!
And further more, if this is so exceptable to do and talk about now... where will we be and what will we be doing 10-20 years from now??? (Besides Ron, he'll be in the Nursing Home... Toss My Salad Elderly Community- Over 100 Years of Satisfying Service)
Just wondering...
Point is... People do it, receive it, like it, regret it, talk about it, etc.
So in Celebration of those who do it, receive it, like it, regret it and talk about it...
I present you with my #1 top choice website:
If you don't know how to, or would like tips on being better... Please, see link above!

Nite nite... Keep ya booty hole tite! ;)