What have I been thinking??

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Toss that Salad!!

Here I am! Yes, very sad that I haven't been thinking anything for a few days huh?
Might be the blondeness...

Tossing Salad... I am starting to get a little worried about the things I have been thinking.
Anyhoo, tossing salad is another choice subject amongst the crowd.
I have heard you should be careful with the things you talk about while being drunk, they just may turn into action. Next day regrettable action I might add. A few years later OMG what was I thinking I can't believe I did that regrettable action. OMG Psycho Bitch why did you have to talk about it and get me to do it regrettable action. (Not that I would know first hand... I have "heard".)

I have to say I have met some interesting people in my short time here on planet earth. I am very worried about getting older, not because of aging... But because of the people I may cross paths with! Many different requests, or fantasies, or just plain ol' wierdo's!
Tossing Salad *aka* licking ass... Not so much an odd request anymore.
Though I have never had anyone request it, nor have I... But many people do it and like it.
WHY??????? Where in the hell did these things come from!?!
Who decided one day they wanted to get their ass ate when that's where what we eat leaves!?!
And further more, if this is so exceptable to do and talk about now... where will we be and what will we be doing 10-20 years from now??? (Besides Ron, he'll be in the Nursing Home... Toss My Salad Elderly Community- Over 100 Years of Satisfying Service)

Just wondering...

Point is... People do it, receive it, like it, regret it, talk about it, etc.

So in Celebration of those who do it, receive it, like it, regret it and talk about it...
I present you with my #1 top choice website:


If you don't know how to, or would like tips on being better... Please, see link above!
Nite nite... Keep ya booty hole tite! ;)

Friday, January 07, 2005

Perfect Example!!

I have already heard the word Penis twice today... and it is early morning I might add.

It's going to be a long day, enjoy!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Camel Toe

Sensitive Subject for some... topic if choice for most?
I just think on a day to day basis how many times camel toe has been brought up.
Most people would think about this and say to themselves, "not often" or maybe even, "never".
Oh but when you go where I go, do the things I do, and know the people I know...
you'd be surprised! (or not, if you really do know my friends)
I also just thought of something else... I am supposed to be baking cookies, and I forgot!
Oops, sorry Vanessa and Gigi.
Anyway, back on the subject at hand. I think back to the first time I found out what the shocker was... and when the others found out I didn't know, OMG there was hell to pay.
Now this wasn't too long ago when I discovered the shocker, and then I even realized...
I may have even recieved the shocker a time or two!!!!! But that's not the point.
The point is, after learning of the shocker... it was everywhere!
Random yellings of the shocker in various places/bars, pictures of the shocker, and searching the web only to find out... I just might have been the very last person on earth to learn of this!
One might even have the "Foam Shocker"! I mean really, how many of those things have they actually sold? Again, you would probably be surprised, or not.
And I do know of one certain 30 year old, whom when was asked if they knew of the "Shocker", they asked, "Is it a rollercoaster?" Sure my dear, however you would like best describe it.
So... I wan't the last to know.
But the age old Camel Toe... subject of the 6th grade Camel Toe, along with the quief... has been around for quite some time. Altough there may be no "Foam Camel Toe", doen't mean this is less poplular than the shocker... maybe just over looked.
Just today alone, I count the many times the words "camel toe" was brought up in a conversation... Some might wonder how my friend and I got any work done.
But in the day in the life of Nicki, you must be prepared for things/words like: The Shocker, Camel Toe, Pennis, Alabama Black Snake, etc. That list could go on...
I even have some video footage of one "drunken person(male)" on the ground of a parking garage with... yes folks, a camel toe.
One even says, "I didn't know men could get camel toe!"

So in celebration of the Camel Toe still being a hot commodity...
I present you with the #1 website of my choice.
And there may be no foam, but you can get a t-shirt! :)


P.S. You don't have to rent a camel in Kuwait in search of the camel toe... like I said, it's everywhere.

And he receives rave reviews...

"dude since you've sent me that last e-mail i've done nothing but read ron's commentaries and laughing my ass off...he quotes movies that i thought no one else in the world would remember but me...he actually quoted ski school and running scared, 2 of my all-time favorites." - annonymous

It is in fact quite entertaining... what has the world come to?

An all new low, The Ronshizzle Show.
Where's the 8 ball?


Well, I would like to start by introducing my dear friend Ronshizzle.
His Blog will be far more entertaining than mine could ever be... http://captsmakk.blogspot.com/
Be sure and check that out on a day to day basis, it also get's more interesting after a few drinks.
I will also be posting random dumb acts of Ron when they are available, so stay tuned!

I am trying to figure out what the hell has been going on lately!?
It seems like every single guy I have ever dated in my life is trying to ween their way back in.
Too late buddies, I am not as dumb as I used to be. But it still makes me think, what have they been thinking? And it is nice to know maybe they have come to the conclusion that the grass wasn't greener on the other side, but unfortunate they are stuck in that pile of manure.