"Breaking News" ?!?!
Okay, so I am watching the news the other night and a channel 8 news break comes across the screen. Next thing I know Claris Tinsley starts her "Breaking News" story with, "Popular pop singer Britney Spears is expecting!" WHAT?! That is breaking news? HELLO, first off who didn't know she was pregnant and second off... WHO FUCKIN CARES! I'll admit, seeing every move these hot (and not so hot) celebs make can be intriging, but since when did shit like this become breaking news. I've even read that there are bookies opening bets for what she is going to name the kid, OMG! Or, checkout the following website: http://vote-for-prizes.com/path/offer-path.php?path_id=675&header_image=img%2Fpoll%2Fheader-646.jpg&header_image2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yourdealnetwork.com%2Fimg%2FpathHeader.gif GEE, I wonder what the results of that vote will be! And do you really think you'll win shit?! I mean don't get me wrong, she is hot!

But I just don't understand why people thrive off of others lives so much.
If people paid as much attention to their own lives as they do others, I don't think people would have to be on anti-depressants!! Since it is breaking news, might as well give my opinion!
I am totally happy for Britney! She said she wanted to be a young mother... well I hope she doesn't mind being a single young mom!! hehe
For her sake, I hope it works... Do I think Kevin will stick around... No.
Do I think she'll name her child something wierd... that one I am still debating.
For britney's announcement and other lovely info see: http://www.britneyspears.com/

But I just don't understand why people thrive off of others lives so much.
If people paid as much attention to their own lives as they do others, I don't think people would have to be on anti-depressants!! Since it is breaking news, might as well give my opinion!
I am totally happy for Britney! She said she wanted to be a young mother... well I hope she doesn't mind being a single young mom!! hehe
For her sake, I hope it works... Do I think Kevin will stick around... No.
Do I think she'll name her child something wierd... that one I am still debating.
For britney's announcement and other lovely info see: http://www.britneyspears.com/
At 2:37 PM,
CaptSmakk said…
More Breaking News - "Captsmakk is drunk. Film at 11."
At 2:37 PM,
CaptSmakk said…
And I'm actually the father...
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