Busy Busy!
Okay, I have been super busy causing me to neglect you all and I am very truly sorry!
Brief overview of my week/weekend:
Wednesday- Go to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat, watch game and buy Ron several Gnomes and the first season DVD of Joan of Arcadia for his birthday. Eat too much. Get dragged to Sherlock's with the "Rontourage". Go pee, some back to table to see glasses shattering from the imfamous "Bar Jenga" gone bad.... Jeff shows ass for picture. No more jeager.... ready to go home.
Ron snores and dances in sleep till I drop him off....
Thursday- Ignore phone calls to go back to Sherlock's... SLEEP.
Friday- Passion Party in celebration of my best friend getting married (excuse to buy dicks)! See picture below... I should need to say no more..... it was fun. REAL fun...

Saturday- Bachelorette Party!! Also in celebration of my best friend getting married! Started drinking at 3pm... eat, partied at Terrace Suite w/ the "Rontourage". They are like vultures hunting their prey! I forgot to warn my poor friends! Party all night, watch Ron go mute and then disappear... see Smakk Talk for details on where he disappeares to. Had jeager bombs, vodka redbull, red headed sluts, red snappers, crowne, crowne and more crowne, champaigne, really sleepy now. Ate Ihop(not real sure how we got there)... went home(not real sure how I got there), slept like there was no tomorrow.
Sunday- OMG, where is my head? Look at phone, random bootie text to every ex in my phone. I knew I should have erased those numbers! Try to eat away the pain.... not working.
Bride stops by to lay out at pool with me... she doesn't feel so bueno either. Fall asleep on back before turning.... front side REALLY red! Wake up, turn over... get stung by bee on back of leg 2 seconds after turning! OUCH! Allergic, spend the rest of the afternoon sleeping off benedryl. Wake up, still can't find head and leg hurts now! Watch Lifetime movie, watch Desperate Housewives, watch Grey's Anatomy. Get residual bootie text from the night before. Go home go to sleep, dis-regard text.
So, I had an extremely busy week/weekend! And the wedding follows this weekend!
And our dear friend Lindsey will be in D-town this weekend! Watch out!
Brief overview of my week/weekend:
Wednesday- Go to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat, watch game and buy Ron several Gnomes and the first season DVD of Joan of Arcadia for his birthday. Eat too much. Get dragged to Sherlock's with the "Rontourage". Go pee, some back to table to see glasses shattering from the imfamous "Bar Jenga" gone bad.... Jeff shows ass for picture. No more jeager.... ready to go home.
Ron snores and dances in sleep till I drop him off....
Thursday- Ignore phone calls to go back to Sherlock's... SLEEP.
Friday- Passion Party in celebration of my best friend getting married (excuse to buy dicks)! See picture below... I should need to say no more..... it was fun. REAL fun...

Saturday- Bachelorette Party!! Also in celebration of my best friend getting married! Started drinking at 3pm... eat, partied at Terrace Suite w/ the "Rontourage". They are like vultures hunting their prey! I forgot to warn my poor friends! Party all night, watch Ron go mute and then disappear... see Smakk Talk for details on where he disappeares to. Had jeager bombs, vodka redbull, red headed sluts, red snappers, crowne, crowne and more crowne, champaigne, really sleepy now. Ate Ihop(not real sure how we got there)... went home(not real sure how I got there), slept like there was no tomorrow.
Sunday- OMG, where is my head? Look at phone, random bootie text to every ex in my phone. I knew I should have erased those numbers! Try to eat away the pain.... not working.
Bride stops by to lay out at pool with me... she doesn't feel so bueno either. Fall asleep on back before turning.... front side REALLY red! Wake up, turn over... get stung by bee on back of leg 2 seconds after turning! OUCH! Allergic, spend the rest of the afternoon sleeping off benedryl. Wake up, still can't find head and leg hurts now! Watch Lifetime movie, watch Desperate Housewives, watch Grey's Anatomy. Get residual bootie text from the night before. Go home go to sleep, dis-regard text.
So, I had an extremely busy week/weekend! And the wedding follows this weekend!
And our dear friend Lindsey will be in D-town this weekend! Watch out!
At 6:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hmm... What does it say about your B.O. if vultures come pecking at you? (No pun intended, with the peck)
At 7:45 AM,
Anthony said…
nice adventure
At 8:25 AM,
Nicki said…
HAHA, mcgibfried- funny comment! I like!
i still ain't telling- they weren't EXACTLY pecking....
Amber- you were more fucked up than anyone Friday night! And yes, this weekend will be wild!
Tony-a nice adventure it was! To be continued....
At 8:49 AM,
CaptSmakk said…
Sounds like a fun weekend. Wish I could have been there....oh, wait...nevermind.
By the way, RHSS (Red Headed Slut - The Sequel) saw you at IHOP at 4am after I booted her from suite. DFW is getting way to small.
At 8:57 AM,
Nicki said…
She saw me??
At 9:36 AM,
CaptSmakk said…
Yes, she saw you and the bride to be.
At 10:42 AM,
Nicki said…
DF Dub is getting way too small!
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
That picture has left me speechless. I was right!!
At 4:04 PM,
Gigi said…
Remember when you asked me to try out those toys? I don't regret what I did, but I started thinking that because you're my boss things could get weird on the sexual harrassment side of things. I'm just glad we don't have a human resources department. Aside from all of that, I will still rub you when needed, but let's try to remain "just friends."
At 10:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
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