About Me
- Name: Nicki
- Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
I am a girl on a mission to regain love, life and happiness through finding my hip bones and abdominal muscles, I know they are under there somewhere...
Previous Posts
- What would you do if you recieved this letter ladi...
- SHOCKER!! (And I don't mean two in the pink one in...
- "Breaking News" ?!?!
- Since You Fucked Ron..... (revised version of Kell...
- Since You've been goooooooooooooooooooone.....
- Out of Control!
- Been awhile....
- I wanna pee on you....
- Screens in the head rest...
At 1:25 PM,
geezer squeezer! said…
you never know,he may be zillionaire and a sex machine.
At 2:00 PM,
CaptSmakk said…
do it. polish that dome
At 5:17 PM,
CaptSmakk said…
Have you stopped posting because you're too busy seeing this guy???
At 3:52 PM,
Nicki said…
Yes, I have been busy polishing his dome........
At 3:53 PM,
Nicki said…
And yes Lindsey... he is sad!
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