What have I been thinking??

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A few thoughts for the day!

Don Johnson's Hot!

Why do people eat scorpion fish??? And why is it sooo expensive??

Chinese people ate Ron's intestines last night!! And ... Ron wants to donate his liver... HELLO!! Who would want that??

So the Mav's had a little tough competition last night... I never said the Sun's weren't a great team! Also, Steve Nash was just awarded MVP (which he totally deserved) so of course he was hyped up! But, I have a feeling the tides will turn for the poor Phoenix Suns... IT'S NOT OVER TILL IT'S OVER!! And does anyone else think Steve Nash looks like a Chucky Doll??


And... I am missing the Kelly Clarkson concert tonight!!! :(

Since You been goooooooooooooooone.........

Just a few thoughts...


  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger CaptSmakk said…

    I love scorpian fish.
    I will do Kelly Clarkson.
    The Mavs will win in 6.
    I miss my intestines.

    And of course,


  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger CaptSmakk said…

    Once again - FUCK DON JOHNSON. And if you're reading this Donnie boy, I'll be back at mmy suite in the Wynn for July 4th. Bring it on!!

  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger CaptSmakk said…

    And never, I mean never, touch my ham.

  • At 3:13 PM, Blogger erl said…

    kelly clarkson really got hollywoodizationized didnt she? damn.

  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger Nicki said…

    Actually, she is still very down to earth!

  • At 11:10 PM, Blogger CaptSmakk said…

    Kelly is just trying to impress me. And yes, she is still big on going down.


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