What have I been thinking??

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

This Post is for you!

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
(Alcohol Dependence)

Alcohol abuse is a disease that involves desire for alcohol and continuing to drink even when faced with alcohol-related job, legal, social, health, or family problems. Alcohol abuse can progress to alcoholism. Alcoholism is a condition in which the individual is physically dependent on the effects of alcohol to avoid symptoms of withdrawal.
Several factors contribute to alcohol abuse, including:
Brain chemicals that may be different than normal
Social pressure
Emotional stress
Depression and other mental health problems
Problem drinking behaviors learned from family or friends

Risk Factors
A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition.
Sex: male
Alcohol use
Family members who abuse alcohol (especially men whose fathers or brothers are alcoholic)
Using illicit drugs
Peer pressure
Easy access to alcoholic beverages
Psychiatric disorders, such as depression or

Denial that an alcohol problem exists is common. Alcohol abuse can occur without physical dependence.
Alcohol abuse symptoms include:
Repeated work, school or home problems due to drinking
Risking physical safety
Recurring trouble with the law, often including drinking and driving
Continuing to drink despite alcohol-related difficulties
Alcohol abuse often progresses to alcohol dependence. Symptoms of alcohol dependence include:
Craving a drink
Unable to stop or limit drinking
Needing greater amounts of alcohol to feel the same effect
Withdrawal symptoms if alcohol is stopped, including:
Increased blood pressure ( hmmmm reminds me of someone I know)
Giving up activities in order to drink or recover from alcohol's effects
Drinking that continues even when it causes or worsens health problems
Wanting to stop or reduce drinking and not being able to

Organs That Can Be Damaged by Alcoholism


Doctors ask a series of questions to assess possible alcohol-related problems, including:
Have you tried to reduce your drinking?
Have you felt bad about drinking?
Have you been annoyed by another person's criticism of your drinking?
Do you drink in the morning to steady your nerves or cure a hangover?
Do you have problems with a job, your family or the law?
Do you drive under the influence of alcohol?
Tests may include:
Blood tests to look at the size of your red blood cells and to check for a substance called carbohydrate-deficient transferrin
Blood tests to check for alcohol-related liver disease and other health problems

The first step in treatment is getting the patient to accept that he or she has a problem. A group intervention brings together important people in an individuals' life. They confront him or her about how alcohol is affecting all of his or her relationships and functioning.
Treatment for alcohol abuse or dependence is aimed at teaching patients how to manage the disease. Most professionals who treat people with alcohol problems believe that this means giving up alcohol completely and permanently.
The first and most important step is recognizing a problem exists. Successful treatment depends on your desire to change. Your doctor can help you withdraw from alcohol safely. This could require hospitalization in a detoxification center, so that you are carefully monitored for side effects.

Education and Counseling
Therapy helps you recognize alcohol's dangers. It raises awareness of underlying issues and lifestyles that promote drinking. In therapy, you work to improve coping skills and develop other ways of dealing with stress or pain. You learn new methods of handling situations where alcohol is served.

Self-Help Organizations
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) helps many people stop drinking and stay sober. Members meet regularly and talk about their troubles with alcohol. They support each other. If you feel like drinking, you can call your AA sponsor for help. Your family members may also benefit from attending meetings of Al-Anon, because living with an alcoholic can be a painful, stressful situation.

Realizing that alcohol causes problems helps some people avoid it. Suggestions to decrease the risk of alcohol abuse and dependence include:
Socialize without alcohol.
Avoid going to bars.
Do not keep alcohol in your home.
Avoid situations and people that encourage drinking.
Make new non-drinking friends.
Do fun things that do not involve alcohol.
Avoid reaching for a drink when stressed or upset.
Drink slowly.
Limit your alcohol intake to a moderate level.
Moderate is two or fewer drinks per day for men and one or fewer for women and older adults.
A 12-ounce bottle of beer, a five-ounce glass of wine or 1.5 ounces of liquor is considered one drink.

Alcoholics Anonymoushttp://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependencehttp://www.ncadd.org/


  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger Anthony said…

    the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem...and that leads me to this question...where did this post come from?
    hey check out my site for a letter i sent to lindsey...

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger CaptSmakk said…

    I too drunk to focus on the screen right now. Maybe I'll read later when I'm sober. Say in 2055...

  • At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Wanting to stop or reduce drinking and not being able to"
    Who in there right mind would want to stop or reduce drinking? I don't get it. Quitters!

  • At 8:29 AM, Blogger Nicki said…

    I know Linds, I don't know a person who would read it that would feel a single ounce of remorse.

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger JRae said…

    Nicki. Nicki Nicki Nicki.

    You're a cute girl. Way too cute to have a photo in your profile that isn't cropped properly!!

    I got tired of your uncropped photo taking up too much space in the comments. Soooo... I took the liberty of cropping it myself. I have posted the cropped photo on flickr for you to download.

    I don't know if you need a flickr account to download the photo... if you have problems downloading, shoot me an e-mail via my e-mail link at the bottom right of my blog and I will send it to you directly. I promise I won't do anything inappropriate with your e-mail address. :)


  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger Nicki said…

    First off, I can't download it. Second, I don't see your email.
    Thank you for the help though.

  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger JRae said…

    My e-mail's jenkoontz@gmail.com. Shoot me one and I'll send you the photo. :)

  • At 9:03 PM, Blogger mcgibfried said…

    AA is for QUITTERS!

  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger JRae said…

    Did you get my e-mail with attachment, Nicki? Just wanted to make sure it went through... :)

  • At 5:43 AM, Blogger GoGo said…

    Reading about Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is my anti-drug.

  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger erl said…

    Denial that an alcohol problem exists is common.

    obviously! because alcohol is BEAUTIFUL and SHOULD be loved and drunk as often and as much as possible.

  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger Anthony said…

    whats up with the posts???

  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger CaptSmakk said…


  • At 1:12 PM, Blogger Nicki said…

    Jrae- No I didn't get your email.

    Tony- I do have a life and I do work, but I aplogize! It was a busy week! I'll try to get better.

    Sarah- NO! My trip to whore island is next week. JEEEZ!

    Fat Guy- I love dead to me.

    Captsmakk- Whore. You should be incarcerated at Whore Island... see you tonight! ;)

  • At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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